Thank you for checking in again. I've been working on this blog for days, and Judy came to help me again today. It was a lot of fun having her here. You know we couldn't just do computer stuff. We had to do 'SOMETHING' with paper. So we cut some shapes with my nestabilities. That was fun! I just love paper and ink. (yes I'm drooling)
I'm going to get back to work on making some cards. But I thought I would share a few cards I've made in the past with you. I'm not putting a supply list on here - just the photos. But if you would like to know more about the card, please ask. *** NOTE *** My friend Judy helped me tweek the blog today so you don't have to put in a code or anything to comment :) Thanks Judy!
Card Basics
Card Basics ~~ One 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of card stock will make a base for 2 cards. Cut it at 4 1/4 portrait and score at 5 1/2. Or for landscape cut at 5 1/2 and score at 4 1/4.
Here is a list of some of my favorite tools: BIG SHOT die cutting machine ~ Grid paper ~~ Stampin' UP! Stampin Trimmer (cutting and scoring) ~Bone Folder - this little tool is a MUST! ~Multipurpose Liquid Glue ~ Glue Dots ~ Stampin' Dimensionals, Score tape, Stickles. BLING, BLING AND MORE BLING.... If it sparkles, I love it!
Here is a list of some of my favorite tools: BIG SHOT die cutting machine ~ Grid paper ~~ Stampin' UP! Stampin Trimmer (cutting and scoring) ~Bone Folder - this little tool is a MUST! ~Multipurpose Liquid Glue ~ Glue Dots ~ Stampin' Dimensionals, Score tape, Stickles. BLING, BLING AND MORE BLING.... If it sparkles, I love it!
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